My dream is to become a teacher. And I have never changed my mind till today.
Well, when I was still a little girl in a kindergarten, I wished that I could become a teacher. This was mainly because I thought teacher was so powerful that every student had to obey her in-structions. And she could do whatever she wanted. She could drink coffee in the classroom, and go to the office whenever she liked. What′s more, she could decide whether a student would get the little red flower every month, that′s a kind of honour to show whether a student is good or not.
When I entered a primary school, I still have the same dream to become a teacher. For if I were a teacher, I would not have to prepare for any test or any examination, and I would not get smacked by my mother if I didn′t do well. At that time, to be a teacher meant you would have a life without any worry.
Now, I′m a middle school student, but I still treasure the dream to be a teacher. As I am growing up, my reasons have be-come more meaningful. Now I think teachers are really the engineers of human soul. They teach us a lot, not only knowledge but also how to be a good man of the society. Every year in our country thousands of teachers send millions of good students to various parts to work for our country, which helps to make our country stronger and stronger.
My dream is to be a teacher, and I′m sure, with my effort, it will come true!
梦想是美好的,每个人心中都藏着自己的梦想,有梦想才有理想,才有学习的动力。我也有一个美好的梦想,那就是长大当一名书法家。 爸爸喜欢书法,只要一有空,他就会坐下来练字。或许是受到爸爸的影响,我从上幼儿园就喜欢上了书法,并到建峰书校参加书法学习,到现在已经有三年多了。如今,我已经初步掌握了练习书法的一些技巧,字写得比以前漂亮多了。爸爸妈妈很是为我高兴。不过,爸爸告诉我,我现在只是一个书法初步的入门者,真正要写一首漂亮的字,好需要加倍的努力和刻苦的练习。爸爸还说:“练习书法可以修身养性,戒除浮躁,终身受益无穷。”虽然爸爸的这番话我还不是很理解,我想我会在爸爸的鼓励和支持下,更加喜欢书法。 现在,我每天完成家庭作业后都要练习两张书法作品。我要为实现自己的梦想而不断努力。等我成了书法家,我也要把我的技巧毫无保留地传授给我的学生,让他们也能写上一首漂亮的字。 二5班 毛家玮 有信心梦想总会实现。