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In uncertain economic times, you may hesitate to spend money to advance your career But some invest [查看详细]

[中新科技]中新两国职业教育专家相聚青岛 探讨培养新时代人才之道

“2016中国—新西兰职业教育研讨会”28日在青岛举行,来自中新两国60家院校、教育机构的200位校长、教育专家和学者等专业人士,共同就新时代所需人才的培养方式等问 [查看详细]

【北京私塾读经学校】私塾读经、在家上学 这都剥夺了孩子的受教育权

在很多人的观念中义务教育就等于应试教育,它因种种弊端而被舆论批评。所以不少家长绕过正规学校的义务教育,将孩子送进私塾、学堂或接回家中自己教育,并认为这才是因材施教。但是,对孩子义务教育阶段的教育问题, [查看详细]


利用茶余饭后的时间,我读完了乔云华同志所著的《地狱门前》----与李真刑前对话实录一书。这本书是反腐倡廉、警示教育的好教材。作者通过揭露腐败分子李真的犯罪始末及给党和人民带来的极大的危害,剖析贪官的心 [查看详细]

【立足本职岗位】立足本职 为民服务——看影片《张思德》有感

今天是党员先进性教育集中学习的日子,下午处支部组织观看电影《张思德》。一小时五十分的影片,让我久久不能平静。 我是1979年出生的独生子女,在当时是被称为小皇帝小皇后的一代。小时候也曾看过《铁道游击 [查看详细]

【爱奇艺】A pie in the sky: 空想,空头支票

拎个pie(派)在手中必是可口的美味,不过,若让它飞上天会是什么结果?——你只能两手空空抬头望天,想再享受美味?简直是空想。短语a pie in the sky常用来形容&ld [查看详细]

爱奇艺_A moot point: 争论未决的问题

历史上总有那么一些“悬案”,惹得大家争论百年、千年,也未争出个所以然。这种“争论不休”的问题,可用短语a moot point来表达。就词的强弱意义而言 [查看详细]

爱奇艺_a widow's cruse: 聚宝盆

看到a widows cruse,难免不让人想起之前讲过的几个“寡妇”趣语,什么grass widow喻“离了婚的女人”,widows peak 形容& [查看详细]

【新英语900句app】新英语900句 学校和教育

Schools and education 学校和教育781 Children enter school at the age of six, dont they? 孩子们都在6岁上学,是不是?78 [查看详细]


有没有机会在国外生存、发展下去,关键是要看有没有机会去表达自己,和别人交流。如果你学的是哑巴英语,到了美国你将十分困难。而目前我们的大学英语教育是有缺陷的。学一种语言,交流是目的,而不是语言本身。我们 [查看详细]

[爱奇艺]A Letter of Apology 道歉信

Sep 10th,2008Dear Mr Wang,Im writing you this letter to apologize for my failing to hand in the pape [查看详细]

爱奇艺|A quarrel in the dormitory 宿舍里的一次争吵

Weeks ago I witnessed the quarrel between my two roommates It shocked me the two good friends fired [查看详细]

[爱奇艺]A Letter for Gratitude 致谢信

You should write a letter of thanks based on the outline given below in Chinese 在你生病住院期间,同班同学过来看望你, [查看详细]

【爱奇艺】A Letter to John 给John的信

提示:张楠的父亲有位美国同事,他的孩子约翰?史密斯即将来华。约翰写信向张楠询问一些有关他所在城市的问题。张楠回信,内容如下:得知约翰要来非常高兴。告诉他可能遇到一些不同于美国的情况。气候:冬天冷,有时 [查看详细]

【安居客】An Interesting Debate 一个有趣的讨论

Today is Sunday After supper, father, mother and I went to the pardk I sat on the back of father&r [查看详细]

爱奇艺|A Snowy Winter Morning 冬天下雪的早晨

The wind gently murmured,puffed and sometimes sighed like a summer breeze lifting the leaves along t [查看详细]

爱奇艺_A Glass of Milk 一杯牛奶

Today is the first day of te new term I got up early and checked my wintcr vacation homework before [查看详细]

[爱奇艺]A Busy Day 忙碌的一天

She is very busy today, just like a busy bee In the morning, I had two seccsions and after that I h [查看详细]

【爱奇艺】A Shining Star 一颗闪亮的星

A good teacher is like a shining star to students Miss Li, my senior high school English teacher, i [查看详细]

爱奇艺_A Travel To Hong Kong 到香港旅行

This summer holiday, I had travelled to Hong Kong with many other students We went to Hong Kong by [查看详细]

爱奇艺|A Letter to My Pen Pal 给笔友的一封信

Dear Nate,I am so excited to hear that you will come to learn Chinese in our school Now let me tell [查看详细]

爱奇艺_A Good Football Player 一个好足球运动员

Everybody knows that Brazil won the World Cup in 2002 in Japan But do you know who helped Brazil fo [查看详细]

[爱奇艺]A Good Neighbor 好邻居

What is the definition of a good neighbor? Well, in my opinion, a good neighbor should have the qual [查看详细]

爱奇艺|A Letter for Help 一封求助信

昨天我不小心弄坏了爸爸的iPad,不知道该如何处理这件事情,于是写信给New Standard Magazine编辑部的知心姐姐Diana,希望得到一些建议。请从事情的起因、经过及心理感受等方面适当地 [查看详细]

[爱奇艺]A Reply to a Friend 跟朋友的回信

一、题目要求你的笔友Sammy想了解你这两天的考试情况以及暑期安排。假定你是陈涛,请根据Sammy在电子邮件中的提问,给他写回信。字数在80字左右。HiHow are you? I know you& [查看详细]
